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It’s very evident that SHAWNEE community members want to improve our home town. We desire a closeness which is growing closer and closer with each passing season.

“Together We Build Community, One Season at a Time”, has been the tag line for ShawneeCTV for 72 consecutive seasons. The word ‘together’ has been tossed around quite a bit in Brand marketing in the last decade because of the warmth in which it implies. Together is a word which knits threads of strength sewn with proximity. “We are on the same team” is a feeling which breeds strength and resilience stemming from familiar people, joined Together, to become something greater than achievable alone.

Fall, winter, spring and summer our community residents rely on one another for friendship, grace and support. Though we all may have differences of thought, environment and action, we all live in proximity with one another. Like it or not, We Are, together. This brings us, as a community, to the precipice of strength and resilience. They’re good feelings; the feelings of strength and resilience.

Do we, who identify as an individual in the Shawnee community, have the strength to get where we want to go? Strength to Build Community with one another? Resilience to stay united even with our obvious differences?

We do, if Season by Season we are able to think less of ourselves and more of others. Taking time to put ourselves behind the other as we come into contact. Not believing we are the ‘helper’ and they the ‘receiver’. Rather, simply getting understanding of the other by listening, not fixing. Each of us has a story; and, stories can be entertaining and thought provoking as we walk from them. Stories help us better understand another, and ourselves. It knits us, as a community, stronger than before.

Uplifting our community residents by telling their stories is the goal of ShawneeCTV. We do this by doing our best to powerfully and consistently deliver positive messages about each of us. Together We Build is the belief behind what we do. May this belief empower each of us, as an individual, to look upon another resident as a peer which helps strengthen us, as we remain, Together, One Season at a Time.

Together! Won’t that feel great when we get there?

ShawneeCTV and YOU, Together we build community, one season at a time.  Thank YOU for being a part of something great.